We love when our staff comes to visit and serve in our other fields, learning from each other and making connections. Few other employees have done this as much as Noelle Moreno. Her love for missions and connection to CrossRoads goes back to college ministry at Ohio University.

“When I was younger missions always interested me, but I went to a very small congregation where there really weren’t opportunities to go on trips,” explains Noelle in a Facebook post. “At the time I didn’t completely understand that what I really yearned for were Christian friendships. So when I went to college I knew that I wanted to find Christian community. That’s when I became a member of Reach Out on Campus at Ohio University. During my time with ROC I went on my first mission trip and was hooked.”
That first mission trip was to our New Orleans field. ROC has been connected with our New Orleans field for many years. We have had several interns that are ROC students, and CR interns that have gone on to intern with ROC! That spring break trip ignited a passion in Noelle, and she decided to apply for a summer internship.

At that point, our New Orleans field had already filled all their intern positions, so Noelle was asked to spend the summer in Appalachia. She remembers thinking after the call with our Appalachia staff, “I was feeling called to intern, even though I was nervous because I had never been there before.” So she dove right in, and learned a lot about herself, missions, and Appalachia in the process!
The next summer Noelle interned in our New Orleans field, primarily working with a local kids camp. “At first it was a challenge to fit into that atmosphere because New Orleans is such a different culture and the team who ran it was already very close knit,” recalls Noelle. “But by the middle of the Summer I felt like I was really a part of the group and I was able to assist our volunteers in finding ways to fit in and aid the Kids’ Camp staff.”

As college graduation approached the next summer, Noelle expressed her desire to work in ministry full time to her campus minister. At the time they were looking to start a chapter at another community college. Noelle jumped at the chance. She spent the next year working at the college, helping the sponsoring church, and continuing to go on mission trips.
During this time ROC brought a group to our Mexico field, and Noelle met her future husband. “When I got married and moved to Mexico it became evident that God was leading me to serve with CrossRoads Missions Mexico,” recollects Noelle. “It wasn’t my original plan, but after months of being here and helping them out while I was actually looking for another job, I knew it was where God wanted me.”

Noelle started out as a year-long intern in Mexico, filling the role of executive assistant and helping run classes for the English House. Her first year has come to an end, and she is working toward joining the team full time. In order to do that and transition out of being an intern she is required to meet certain fundraising goals to ensure the long term sustainability and stability of her ministry. She is continuing to assist with English classes, her duties as executive assistant, and is awaiting the arrival of her first child!
“I believe that in my life God has opened countless doors for me. I never thought I’d leave Southeastern Ohio let alone move to Mexico to serve HIM. But God is Good and He will lead you if you follow.”
Sign up to support Noelle HERE or by texting NOELLE to 71777.
Hear more of Noelle’s story by watching this YouTube video.