We believe that serving on a trip with CrossRoads Missions is a unique experience. Rather than explain why we believe the strongest endorsements of our trips come from the firsthand accounts of our volunteers and employees.
Read what Kristi McKnight had to say about her experience in our New Orleans field over the summer.
This July I had the privilege to go on my first missions trip with Dodger Vaughan, the Middleport Church of Christ, and along with some wonderful people from Kingston, TN. I’d have to say that my first missions trip was definitely one to remember. For several years I have tried to convince my mom into letting me go with Dodger and CrossRoads to this wonderful place, and this year I was successful. This missions trip really opened my heart, my eyes and most of all my mind and made me put into perspective the poverty that the people we had the chance to work with face every day. Each day we had a different devotion and a different piece of scripture to focus on; on day four, our devotion focused on Luke 14:25-35, our devotion then went on to talk about following Jesus, and sometimes Jesus wants you to step out of your comfort zones, and try something new—all in worshiping him and spreading the gospel.
Going to New Orleans, for me was stepping out my comfort zone, going to an unknown place, far from home, but traveling to Louisiana and serving in New Orleans was one of the best things I have ever been a part of! During our week in NOLA, we built flower boxes, a fence, paved a new sidewalk at Camp Hope, put up drywall and trimming at a local house, helped Daniel with his outreach and worked at a local kids camp.
During our week in NOLA, I was assigned to work at Abundance of Desire kids camp. Our job at kids camp was to love on the kids; most of the children that we worked with were living with only one parent and needed someone to play with them and love on them and just to make them feel a little extra loved while they were there. The age group that I worked with was 5- and 6-year-olds it was such a blessing to have had the chance to spend time with these children and make them happy by doing something so little as playing kitchen or just giving them hugs every five minutes. As soon as we walked in they were so involved with us and everything that we were doing, they were so sweet and so easy to get along with.
On Monday our group went to an old gas station in the lower Ninth Ward and met up with Daniel and passed out food to those who were in need of it. Restaurants and stores give slightly outdated food to Daniel’s organization to hand out. Where we were handing out food, there are no local grocery stores that people can go to, so they come see Daniel with his outreach every week to get what they need to hlp feed their families at home.
While we were there, Sam, Daniel, Myranda and I met this wonderful lady named Jackie. She told us her story and what was going on in her life at the moment, including how she was raising her grandchildren because their mother left them. So we asked if we could pray for her and she agreed. After we prayed for her she told us that, ‘Now I have the strength to take care of my grandkids.’ and it touched my heart in so many ways. God had used us, had worked through us, making us be His hands and feet so that we could use His guidance and words of wisdom to give to Jackie. In the short time that we were there with her, God had granted her with enough strength to take care of her grandkids. It’s amazing how God works through us.
On Tuesday, we went to City Park and enjoyed the beautiful night walking around, talking to our group members, and worshipping the Lord. On Thursday night we had a cookout at St. Roch Park that was opened to the community. It was a night filled with food, fun, and face paint. While we were there we split off into groups; some were assigned to face painting, some were assigned to food, and some were just playing games with the kids. I was assigned to do face paintings, but, well, it turned out to be me being the one getting painted instead of the kids. After two hours of being at the park, I get back into the van covered in paint from head to toe. While we were at the park I met a little girl named Zaria. After being able to talk to her a little bit while she was painting me I found out she was 6 years old and loved the color pink and she loved tigers. It was such a blessing to have met this little girl and talk to her for the time we were there. Before leaving the park we all grabbed hands and prayed for a good end to our week of work and for safe keepings for the community around the St. Roch area.
New Orleans, Louisiana. What a beautiful place with such a past, yet they still make it through all that has been and still is being thrown in their direction.
Dear NOLA, thank you so so much for this amazing experience, and for opening my heart and eyes so much in the short week I was able to serve. What an unbelievable blessing it was. Half of my heart is with you, until next time, I love you, New Orleans.”
Are you ready to see for yourself what a trip with CrossRoads Missions can do to strengthen your faith? We now are accepting bookings for trips to all four of our permanent fields. Click here to confirm your spot today using our convenient online registration system.