CrossRoads has been part of many ministries in our almost 30 years of service, but the program we are most proud of is our Internships. 25 years ago this summer our first summer interns hit the road to Mexico, starting an amazing journey not only for them, but for CrossRoads as a whole.
As a former summer intern myself, I can tell you that a summer internship with CrossRoads is more transformative than anyone can explain. So transformative that I chose to come back for two more summers then join the staff full time. And I am not the first person to change my life plans after a summer internship. Samantha Schaeffer recalls the end of her internship: “As June turned into July, I was amid getting ready to head back to Kentucky to head to college. I can remember the sadness and anxiety that continued to wash over me as I made those plans. I started to pray for peace and for God to show me what he wanted me to do. Softly God spoke one simple word, stay.” That one word told Sam to return to New Orleans to work for our local partner Camp Hope where she continued to grow, learn, and serve.
Others have gone from their internship to a life of ministry in other places, like Tyler Tinsley who is now a Youth Minister. He sees his summer internship as a great training for a life of student ministry, “Everything from learning how to socialize with over 500 people in one summer to physical labor skills like painting, woodworking, teaching young kids, and even leading massive groups of students! Without those experiences I wouldn’t be able to lead students in Student Ministry the way I am today! I wouldn’t have the skills or confidence in myself to complete the many tasks set before me!”
“Looking back, I can see how God worked in my heart those two summers that I was an intern to reveal parts about myself that helped me pick a career I could both find joy in and serve the Lord through it,” recalls Sara Fredricks. She explains that “This also helped me to overcome my great concern with the question every college student asks themselves ‘what am I going to do with my life?!’ Over time I began to understand that there wasn’t really a wrong answer. Whether I became a bank teller, a nurse, a missionary, an engineer, etc. it is not my career choice that brings glory to God it is the work of my heart to serve and love God behind what I do.”
“I learned from my internship to use my talents to serve God,” Myranda Uselton explained, “I heard this a lot in church, but it really stuck with me after my internship because I was surrounded by a community of people always serving God no matter what they do.” Dedicating your life to service, for any period of time, teaches you lessons that will affect every aspect of your life. Claire Watts learned to “trust in Jesus with every situation and every doubt… To this day, when I am doubting or wondering, I just remind myself to trust.” “I would say the biggest thing I learned about being an intern,” reminisces Hope Hendricks, “is how important it is to have that quiet time with the Lord before your day or in your day.” And Noah Mulvaney learned that “working hard is infectious, especially when you’re a leader.”
Countless other lessons could be taken from just one day on the field as an intern, let alone a whole summer. You can see more quotes from interns this past month on our social media. Interested in being a CrossRoads Intern? You can find more information on our internship page, or contact us directly to find out more.
You can also support our internship program by shopping in our new online store! Designed by our staff and produced by Digital Promotions, the profits of these products will support our internship program this summer.