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It Starts with a House
February 13th, 2024  |  by

Meet the first new house recipients in Piedra Angular!

Mexico team with the new home owners!
Piedra Angular
For thirty years we have been building a neighborhood in Piedras Negras, Mexico as part of our ministry. This neighborhood provides housing for Christian workers in Piedras Negras – not only ministers and missionaries, but also Christian business owners and families that use their gifts to be positive influences on the city. The neighbors look out for each other and participate in community events.
Why build a Christian neighborhood? “Building houses in the neighborhood Piedra Angular is one of the ways that we work to connect American volunteers with local believers. But the houses are only the beginning. Houses become homes, homes become a place to do ministry, and an entire neighborhood built up in this way becomes a light in our city. It starts with a house, and becomes so much more,” explained the Mexico team when expanding their It Starts with a House initiative.
Piedra Angular is more than just a neighborhood. It also hosts our volunteer groups in the Community Center, welcomes immigrants from the Ranch for meals and events, houses The English House (a new ministry for our Mexico field), and has its own church: Iglesia Betania.
Ignacio and Keila
We hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony where many of the volunteers who worked on the house participated
After many years we are excited to be completing new homes again! Keila and Ignacio were chosen from many applicants to receive this home, and have been a great addition to our community.
Volunteers from all over the US helped build this home – from the foundation to the last coat of paint. When construction was complete, we invited some of those volunteers to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for this landmark house. Our staff spoke, and volunteers lead worship, a devotional message, and prayer.
Later, when Ignacio and Keila were moving in, more volunteers come to pray over the couple and the future ministry that would happen in their home. Both are very involved in their church, are worship leaders, and hope to host bible studies for their youth group.
Hear their story in the video below:

The Future
Mexico team in front of the slab for the next house in Piedra Angular!

YOU can be part of the next house in Piedra Angular! Construction is ongoing for multiple houses. Volunteers and funds are needed for every phase. Follow the instructions below to get involved, or contact Amanda ( to find out more!

Text MEX to 41444 to give towards the construction of new homes in Piedra Angular for Christian families living on mission.

Schedule your group for a week of service! Find out more on our website.

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