Multi-day volunteer experiences or mission trips are the core of CrossRoads Missions. We provide opportunities for churches, organizations, and individuals to serve more effectively than they could. We facilitate the trips and partner with local ministries needing outside assistance and our subject matter expertise. We welcome motivated, service-minded groups and individuals of all ages to serve alongside us.
Why are these opportunities valuable?
Serving Experiences are powerful! Multi-day trips open our eyes to what the real world is like, changing perspectives and often the course of our lives. Through short-term mission trips, some can experience what it means to be ‘the hands and feet of Jesus.’ That service teaches us about sacrifice, suffering, and sustainable impact. Volunteering also connects us to a world of like-minded individuals. All who participate are impacted to the core of who they are, an effect that can resonate across generations.
We offer mission trips to the following fields We offer multi-day opportunities with the following programs:
Piedras Negras, Mexico – The longest-running geographical area we serve in, CrossRoads Missions sends groups for weeklong trips to this city, located just over the U.S./Mexico border. There, we have worked for years to construct the neighborhood of Piedra Angular, where more than three dozen homes have been built for local families committed to missional living. Continue reading . . .
New Orleans – Community service is one of the main goals of our groups who serve in “The Big Easy.” Though our focus is on the Arabi community in the heart of St. Bernard Parish, we also serve the surrounding inner-city neighborhoods. Our volunteers and full-time staff in New Orleans work with an assortment of existing churches and organizations in these neighborhoods in various forms of outreach. Continue reading . . .
Appalachia – Based out of Floyd County, Kentucky, we organize a series of trips of various lengths. Our participants engage in a variety of community outreaches, whether that means renovating existing homes, ministering at government housing facilities, gathering school supplies for children in need, or any of several other options, Christ-focused outreach is always our goal. Continue reading . . .
ServeLouisville – Working with local churches and the Fuller Center for Housing, our volunteers and full-time staff transform and renovate damaged abandoned homes in the city. In addition to building homes in Louisville, we also hold special events like last year’s Blitz Build, where volunteers and local professionals combined their efforts to build the frame of five new homes in a single day. Continue reading . . .
Click here to read testimonials from some of our previous volunteers, as well as our staff members.
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